Ameritek Water –

Have you ever experienced bad tasting water?
Or are you simply tired of the same old flavor?

Well, here are 4 great Alkaline Water recipes that will refresh your day and also benefit your health.

We’re going to show you how to hydrate properly by making your purified water taste delicious, while keeping it alkaline.

Before we get into the process of making delicious water, we are going to cover the topics of water quality and quantity, because they’re important.
Water quantity is very individual and for everyone the amount of water we should intake daily is different.
We covered that in a previous article, which you can find HERE:


If you stick to this simple rule every day, you might observe a massive increase in your health, energy, mental clarity and vitality.
So for the purposes of preparing the following recipes, you will need water that is Filtered, Alkaline and ionized.
99% of the time, tap water in general is not anywhere close to meeting those requirements. It’s acid-forming and oxidizing (meaning it kills cells rather than replenish them).

So let’s jump into those tasty recipes.

Alkaline Water Recipe #1: adding Fruits & Veggies

This is one of our favorite (especially in those hot summer days) and is really easy, really impressive looking and works brilliantly. It also allows you to get some of the big flavors of fruits back into your life without being overly acidic (note: fruit sugars are acid forming).

Some interesting combinations include:
Cucumber, Mint & Lemon
Rock melon & Ginger
Watermelon & Mint
Strawberry & Basil
Cucumber & Lime
Cherry & Lime

Fruits in water like this are not acidic. The variety and possibilities are endless!

To prepare each combination, simply roughly chop and smash up the ingredients, tear the leaves etc. and throw them into a large jug/pitcher and then fill with the purified alkaline water.
If you want to enhance the taste even more, you can even buy a muddler to really infuse those flavors!

Alkaline Water Recipe #2: adding Herbs & Spices

Similar to the above, you can also use herbs and spices to flavor the water. This is often easier on a smaller scale as you can add a pinch here and there to a big glass, rather than having to go the whole hog and make it in bulk.

Herbs like basil, thyme, rosemary all work amazingly. And spices such as ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne etc. are all fantastic too.
When using these spices and herbs you may wish to strain at the end of your prep, and it is recommended to get a mini strainer, so you don’t end up having small bits in your drink!

Alkaline Water Recipe #3: preparing Iced Teas

Iced teas are so easy to make but are so often overlooked! All you need to do is make the tea as normal and then make it cold!
That’s it!
There are many combinations and teas you can either infuse yourself or just buy the teabags/leaves to infuse.

This is one of those killer tips that can be the difference for some people. Let’s face it, you need to drink enough water per day, so what if you made a liter of delicious iced tea each morning and drank that throughout the day? That’s one of your liters done, by also adding the extra pinch of taste!

Great iced teas for alkalinity that work well are:

– Peppermint
– Homemade lemon & ginger
– Rooibos (red bush) with lemon
– Rosebush
– Hibiscus
– Peppermint, Spearmint & Chamomile

You can also steep some fresh mint leaves from the garden with some root ginger too. That is delicious hot or cold. Simply simmer the mint and ginger in a big pan of water for about 30 minutes and then let it cool!

Alkaline Water Recipe #4: making Lemon or Lime Water

Lemon Water IS Alkaline! And also one of the best flavored alkaline waters! First up, let’s get the question about lemon being alkaline or acid out of the way.
Lemons and limes, while being citric fruits of course, are alkaline-forming to the body. Once consumed they have an alkaline effect on the body due to their containing alkaline minerals and very little sugar.

Now let’s talk about what it is and how to prepare it!

Lemon water (or lime water) is purified, alkaline water with fresh lemon squeezed in. There are no hard and fast rules and you can make it however you like, but the rule of thumb is to squeeze 1/3 lemon into 500ml of water.

If you prefer a stronger lemon taste, then squeeze in a 1/2 lemon. If not so much, go for a 1/4.

You shouldn’t add any sweeteners or syrup as these will make the drink highly acid forming, but a little cayenne pepper is fine.
This would be perfect to enjoy early in the day as a part of your morning routine. It’s mildly alkaline, gets the metabolism going and really wakes and freshens you.

As we covered above, water is very important for your health for which we recommend only using purified alkaline water to prepare any of these recipes.

If you are still looking for a good Purified Alkaline Water solution or don’t have a trusted Alkaline Water source, take advantage of our FREE in-home water test TODAY to find out what’s in your water!

We will go through several comprehensive tests and provide the best affordable solution for you and your family!

Call us now at (702)521-6409 or fill out the form below to schedule your FREE test. We operate in 33 locations across the USA!

You are welcome to add any specific requests or details in the field above.

The information provided in these articles is for educational purposes only. It should not be taken as medical advice. The information provided is based upon personal experience as well as interpretation of research. We are neither doctors nor physicians.
The advice and tips given in these articles are meant for healthy adults only. You should always consult a qualified doctor or physician before attempting to apply the information.
The articles are for an informational purpose only and both the author and Ameritek Water do not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.,

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